About Me

My photo
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Hey there, my name is Laura and I have the coolest job ever! I work with my clients to create beautiful, dynamic portraits and long-lasting family memories, and I offer Romantic and Ecstatic photography for the Modern Bride!. This blog is here to introduce you to the many wonderful people I have the honor of meeting in my line of work.

Monday, November 24, 2008

In the beginning...

...there was light and beauty and glorious, glorious fun with a camera!

I've been photographing weddings, people, random objects and fascinating incidents of sunlight for over eight years, and only now starting a blog. While I will be sharing what I'm working on at the moment with you, there will be many 'retrospective' posts, so that you can see where I've been, too.

Most recently, I finished up the wedding of Kristy and Curtiss in Nashville, TN, and I'd love to share some of the highlights with you.

This is Kristy and Curtiss, an adorable couple that met at work, fell in love, and married October 2008.

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

As we left the hotel, where Kristy got ready, and headed to Wild Ginger, where the ceremony and reception were, we were blown away by how absolutely gorgeous the day was.

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

The ceremony was as bright and beautiful as the day.

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

The reception was loads of fun.

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

chen-sherwood wedding

And as for the details...

Kristy's dress was beautiful and elegant, and she and her bridesmaids wore the cutest gold shoes.

diva dress

slick shoes

slick shoes

Kristy and Curtiss wanted to see the well wishes of their guests, and chose a signing frame to go with their wedding photography package. Because many of Kristy's guests came all the way from Asia, the signing frame was covered with warm messages in several languages.

bi-lingual best wishes

bi-lingual best wishes

The ceremony and reception were both held at Wild Ginger, an asian-fusion restaurant in Middle Tennessee, and the food looked as good as it tasted.

sexy sushi

delicious dessert

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