About Me

My photo
Asheville, North Carolina, United States
Hey there, my name is Laura and I have the coolest job ever! I work with my clients to create beautiful, dynamic portraits and long-lasting family memories, and I offer Romantic and Ecstatic photography for the Modern Bride!. This blog is here to introduce you to the many wonderful people I have the honor of meeting in my line of work.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Brittany and Andrew - Engaged!

A few weeks ago, as the trees were starting to show off their colors, I went with Brittany and Andrew to a big beautiful house here in Asheville, NC. Now, according to copyright law, I'm not allowed to tell you what big, gorgeous, beautiful house it was that I went to, and I can't include any pictures of that historic, world-famous house. But if you live here, you've guessed it by now!

Anyway, I had a blast meeting Andrew, and seeing Brittany and her sweet mother again. Brittany and Andrew have great chemistry, and were so easy to photograph because all I had to do was step back and let them be themselves!

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

andrew and brittany

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